04 November, 2008

Jogja (day 2)

Let's continue our journey...

24 October

As we arrived to Jogja on 3.30 am, we went directly to hotel, got pushed by the committee to some rooms for shower and rest (hehehe...it's very fun!!!).. had shower on 4 am in the morning, with warm water...hhh...what a nice life. While waiting the others had their turns, I crashed in the sofa on the corner...slept (or dead???) like a bear hybernating. IDL, my buddy AND my roommate during HK trip and Jogja felt necessary to shout a little to wake me up. hahahaha....

First trip: Keraton...we had our first photo session in here. hahaha...IT WAS FUN!!!

After Keraton and lunch, we went to the most awaited place to visit: Malioboro!! We're ready to spend our fortune!!! hehehehe...In Mirota, we, I in particular, practically made our selves broke :((
As I stepped out the store, the heat strucked me, and my 'nyai2' illness (a.k.a masuk angin) got worse. I immediately went back to the hotel, then tried to minimise the pain by having massage. It was nice, but the accumulation of stress and pain (let's face it, i'm not young as back then..I can't push myself that hard again) made my headache even worse. So.. I decided to go to my friend's room whose a medicine (pain killer, i supposed? hahaha)...
Romantic part 1: I was surrounded by nice people!!! really nice people!!! YYH, IDL and DS helped me got through my pain in my head. YYH provided me with the medicine, DS provided me with the 'orang pintar' medicine (the one which Agnes Monica stars the commercial :p), IDL made me a very delicious Wedang Jahe. huhuhu....i was overwhelmed :(( - after bombing my body with the those things, I fell asleep...zzzz.........
And suddenly i woke up and...FELT MUCH BETTER!!! Yeay!!!! Thanks, Gals!!!
Dinner...nothing special, I suppose - besides that the restaurant was located in KotaGede, in the same location as a silver jewelry store. I don't have to tell you the rest (about how I went around the store for almost 1 hour, almost missed the dinner, and ended up buying....ONLY A PAIR OF EARINGS???!!!). AAANYWAY......after dinner we came back to the hotel, decided to crashed in to bed early (for early morning noble plan - watching sunrise @ Borobudur temple - initiated by SS).
Day 2 is over. I'm tired. Let's continue...the soonest I got the mood to write :))

03 November, 2008


Gw lagi antri di dokter. Lama...pasien banyak, dokter mulainya telat, gw dapet nomor belakangan. Jadilah gw nunggu...

Pemandangan depan gw saat ini membuat gw merinding....bukan merinding takut...gak jelas definisinya....tp yg jelas gw merinding...

Ada sepasang suami istri...mungkin sekitar umur 60-70an. Sang istri di kursi roda, make kerudung, kurus. Suami diiringi 2 anak (usia remaja - dewasa lah) dan 1 suster mendorong kursi roda, dan menemani nunggu dokter yg entah apakah sama dg dokter gw atau gak...

Sepertinya sang istri menderita suatu rasa sakit yang konsisten ada. Dengan usianya, dia berusaha menahan rasa sakit tp sesekali terdgr keluhan yg gak jelas darinya. Sesekali tampak dia tidak tahan dengan sakitnya shg keluhannya terdengar lebih keras dan hampir menangis.


Yang dilakukan suaminya adalah diam, meletakkan tangan di bahu sang istri, showing his support. Dia tidak bisa menghilangkan rasa sakit itu, literally. Dia tidak bisa menyembuhkan, literally...tapi dia ada di sana... Providing this huge support. Without complaining....

That's what makes me having these goosebumps....
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29 October, 2008

Jogja, 23-26 Oct 08 (day 1)

I love my weekend @ Jogja!!! It was fun, hillarious, slightly creative, slightly romantic (he???!!!)

Here's how the story goes....

23 Oct 08
- I started the day with some excessive adrenaline in my body. The excitement of the upcoming trip plus this big presentation I had to make in front of 150 managers and partners in the afternoon made me act like a loose canon. I couldn't concentrate on a single task!!! I kept looking at my cue cards, counting the hours...
- 10.00: time for presentation rehearsal. The person who coached me gave me very supporting feedback, valuable input. And still...I had this excessive hormone called Adrenaline. As usual, I acted instinctively to channel this energy and to release my excitement AND nervous feeling, by......JUMPING IN A PARTNER'S ROOM!!! Hahaha...it's was so funny seeing his face, wondering what the hell I was doing. "It's not an olympic", he said... :))
- after rehearsal, while I was still having ADHD syndrome, I had this short meeting with my career coaches. They saw this 'panic disorder' in my eyes, and kindly they supported me!! Hiks...they're sooo nice....
- Lunch time...couldn't swallow anything except fast food. Time is running out!!! It's 2 hours before the presentation!
- 2.00 pm: I was seated at table no. 13...tried to give full attention to the speeches and movies...took notes....and my heart started to beat faster...and faster....and faster...as the time to my and my friend's presentation was coming...
- coffee break: no way that we could chat around, enjoying the snacks! We went to the back of the screen, rehearsing. Suddenly I couldn't breath! I felt this urge to do what I had always done in my younger days (yeah right, I'm old..) before singing with the choir. Slowly, I walked to the back of the room, tried to find some space to do.....vocalizing!!!! Haahahahaha....I was going to do presentation, and I felt like it's a show!!! What a 'bantam' I was!!! :)) -- anyway, I couldn't do that, Person No. 1 called me, and (again, I was surrounded by nice people) took me to the stage, let me familiarizing with the tools, mike, the stage. He even arranged some introduction scenario!!! What a great guy.
- everyone came into the room. Person No. 1 introduced us, and let the show began....Alhamdulillah.... To cut the long story short, it went well.....
- To Gambir, using taxi with the other 4....
- let's go to jogja!!!! Enjoy the bumpy ride :))

*to be continued*

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28 September, 2008

Quotes # 2 (Brida, by Paulo Coleho)

... Because of our selfishness, we will be condemned to the worst torture humankind ever invented for itself:


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24 September, 2008

Quotes from Brida (by Paulo Coelho)

Setelah bolak balik ngeliat di toko buku...setelah beberapa kali bimbang...akhirnya kemarin gue membelinya. Brida - the Novel by Paulo Coelho.

As I read the back cover, I was strucked by this paragraph:

"But how will I know who my Soulmate is?"
"By taking risks," Wicca said to Brida.
"By risking failure, disappointment, disillusion, but never ceasing in your search of love. As long as you keep looking, you will triumph in the end"
Phew....that is so bloody true!!!
  • Failure - checked
  • Disappointment - checked
  • Disillusion - checked
  • Keep looking - triple checked
  • Triumph in the end - in progress.............?????

hahahahahahahaha.....Paulo, Paulo...bisa aja... :))

06 August, 2008

My Stupid Idealism...

Secara fatalistik, hari ini gue memutuskan untuk menarik dukungan gue terhadap seorang calon pemimpin. Semua hanya karena informasi yang gue dapat dari sebuah sumber bacaan tepercaya mengenai dia, yang menunjukkan bahwa dia tidak membawa sebuah perubahan. Dia mungkin 'percaya akan perubahan', tapi dia kemungkinan besar tidak akan membuatnya.

Hal-hal fatalistik, all or nothing seperti ini gue sadari cukup sering gue yakini dan gue lakukan. Teman-teman terdekat gue sudah sadar, bahwa adalah suatu hal yang sia-sia untuk mengajak gue duduk-duduk sambil minum kopi di sebuah merek kedai kopi yang ada dimana-mana itu...; atau untuk membuat gue subscribe ke sebuah operator telekomunikasi yang banting harga (mudah2an bukan harga diri) nya gila-gilaan. Mereka juga mengerti ketika gue pernah nolak kerjaan bagus di sebuah perusahaan manufacturing yang memproduksi racun nikotin. Gue akan dengan santai bilang: "I don't consume them...I'm boycotting their products..." Semua karena sebuah informasi atau fakta yang membuat gue dengan yakin bisa bilang 'nggak' ke mereka..apapun itu. Hmm...kenapa sih? Apa sih yang membuat gue punya sikap seperti itu? If you claim that you're my friend, then you should have already known the reasons... :))

Untuk sikap gue di atas, gue pernah diketawain sejadi-jadinya oleh beberapa orang. Ada yang bilang: "Eh, gak ngaruh kalo mereka kehilangan konsumen satu kayak lo doang. Masih banyak jutaan lain yang akan beli produk mereka".. atau yang ini: "Emang lo kira dengan begitu lo bisa mengubah keadaan?".. atau yang lebih menohok lagi: "Lo gila ya, coba lo bayangin kalo semua orang kayak lo..lo udah bikin ribuan orang jadi pengangguran..lo egois!" ...yah, mungkin gak verbatim begitu kata mereka, tapi kira-kira begitulah.. yang lucu ini: "Ih...lo tuh mikirnya lama, bikin keputusan lama, jadinya begini deh...aneh2" Ada juga yang menyetujui pola pikir gue: "Iya sih...tapi gimana donk, gue sih nyari yang murah".

Hmmm...mereka gak salah..mereka semua punya kebenaran masing-masing.
Benar bahwa gue gak akan bisa mengubah keadaan menjadi lebih baik. Apa sih artinya kehilangan 1 konsumen? Mereka gak akan rugi... tapiiii...gue belajar dari orang-orang berikut:

  1. Rasulullah SAW: Lewat Haditsnya, gue belajar bahwa kalo lo mau buat perubahan, lo gak harus langsung bikin yang langsung dampaknya. Kalo lo gak bisa ubah keadaan saat itu, minimal lo harus niatkan...itu interpretasi gue. Sori, gue lupa detail kata-kata Haditsnya..takut salah.
  2. Gandhi: Ketika dia melancarkan protes, dia gak melakukannya dengan anarki...dia melakukannya dengan tenang, diam. (Cool, right?!!)
  3. Aa Gym dan Michael Jackson (lho, ngapain orang yang terakhir ini di sini???) Ingat lagunya "Man in The Mirror"? Naaah...itu sebabnya Michael Jackson ada di tulisan ini :)). Mirip dengan nomor 1, operasionalnya adalah sebagai berikut kira-kira: Kalau lo mau mengubah sesuatu, lo mulai dari yang simpel, dan terapkan sama diri sendiri, gak usah ajak-ajak orang lain. Gue gak ngajak-ngajak orang untuk bersikap sama dengan gue. Emang, kalo ditanya kenapa, gue akan bilang alasannya. Tapi gue gak ngelarang mereka untuk tetap mengkonsumsinya.. Gue tetap respek terhadap para konsumen produk-produk itu (yah...masalah respek nggak nya gue sama orang akan beda lagi ceritanya).

Jadi, yang gue lakukan adalah bentuk protes gue terhadap pihak-pihak di atas. I don't make open war with them...since i'm not seeking for win-lose situation. Gue cuma yakin pada idealisme gue. Dan kebetulan idealisme gue emang suka aneh2. Tapi, apa artinya jadi orang merdeka kalo kita gak bisa punya idealisme sendiri? Selama gak melanggar agama gue dan gak ngerugiin orang lain, tentunya...

Hihihi...jadi ingat kata2 seorang teman yang ikut menyetujui sikap gue ini: "idealisme itu individual sifatnya. Jadi tidak seharusnya konformis...hahaha...idealisme kok konformis"

20 February, 2008

Uncle Ben was Right

It was like a gift!
I was so excited!
I got what I wanted!
I could not wait the moment that I really got it!

Yeay!!! Hurray!!! Yippiiiii!!!

----------AND the euforia is over----------

I am doing tons and tons of things...
I nearly never got a chance to write on my own blog!
I rarely met my friends and family...most of the time I ended up disappointing them...many cancellations I have made since then :(
My brain is working on those strategics, even when I sleep (hahaha...very much exaggerating...)

Well, I get what I want: something to push me to the limit.

As a matter of fact, I think Uncle Ben was right when he said, "With great power there must also always be great responsibility" (taken from Spider-Man, 2002)

*contemplation in the middle of a cold, gloomy, rainy night* - pkp080220