04 November, 2008

Jogja (day 2)

Let's continue our journey...

24 October

As we arrived to Jogja on 3.30 am, we went directly to hotel, got pushed by the committee to some rooms for shower and rest (hehehe...it's very fun!!!).. had shower on 4 am in the morning, with warm water...hhh...what a nice life. While waiting the others had their turns, I crashed in the sofa on the corner...slept (or dead???) like a bear hybernating. IDL, my buddy AND my roommate during HK trip and Jogja felt necessary to shout a little to wake me up. hahahaha....

First trip: Keraton...we had our first photo session in here. hahaha...IT WAS FUN!!!

After Keraton and lunch, we went to the most awaited place to visit: Malioboro!! We're ready to spend our fortune!!! hehehehe...In Mirota, we, I in particular, practically made our selves broke :((
As I stepped out the store, the heat strucked me, and my 'nyai2' illness (a.k.a masuk angin) got worse. I immediately went back to the hotel, then tried to minimise the pain by having massage. It was nice, but the accumulation of stress and pain (let's face it, i'm not young as back then..I can't push myself that hard again) made my headache even worse. So.. I decided to go to my friend's room whose a medicine (pain killer, i supposed? hahaha)...
Romantic part 1: I was surrounded by nice people!!! really nice people!!! YYH, IDL and DS helped me got through my pain in my head. YYH provided me with the medicine, DS provided me with the 'orang pintar' medicine (the one which Agnes Monica stars the commercial :p), IDL made me a very delicious Wedang Jahe. huhuhu....i was overwhelmed :(( - after bombing my body with the those things, I fell asleep...zzzz.........
And suddenly i woke up and...FELT MUCH BETTER!!! Yeay!!!! Thanks, Gals!!!
Dinner...nothing special, I suppose - besides that the restaurant was located in KotaGede, in the same location as a silver jewelry store. I don't have to tell you the rest (about how I went around the store for almost 1 hour, almost missed the dinner, and ended up buying....ONLY A PAIR OF EARINGS???!!!). AAANYWAY......after dinner we came back to the hotel, decided to crashed in to bed early (for early morning noble plan - watching sunrise @ Borobudur temple - initiated by SS).
Day 2 is over. I'm tired. Let's continue...the soonest I got the mood to write :))

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