29 October, 2008

Jogja, 23-26 Oct 08 (day 1)

I love my weekend @ Jogja!!! It was fun, hillarious, slightly creative, slightly romantic (he???!!!)

Here's how the story goes....

23 Oct 08
- I started the day with some excessive adrenaline in my body. The excitement of the upcoming trip plus this big presentation I had to make in front of 150 managers and partners in the afternoon made me act like a loose canon. I couldn't concentrate on a single task!!! I kept looking at my cue cards, counting the hours...
- 10.00: time for presentation rehearsal. The person who coached me gave me very supporting feedback, valuable input. And still...I had this excessive hormone called Adrenaline. As usual, I acted instinctively to channel this energy and to release my excitement AND nervous feeling, by......JUMPING IN A PARTNER'S ROOM!!! Hahaha...it's was so funny seeing his face, wondering what the hell I was doing. "It's not an olympic", he said... :))
- after rehearsal, while I was still having ADHD syndrome, I had this short meeting with my career coaches. They saw this 'panic disorder' in my eyes, and kindly they supported me!! Hiks...they're sooo nice....
- Lunch time...couldn't swallow anything except fast food. Time is running out!!! It's 2 hours before the presentation!
- 2.00 pm: I was seated at table no. 13...tried to give full attention to the speeches and movies...took notes....and my heart started to beat faster...and faster....and faster...as the time to my and my friend's presentation was coming...
- coffee break: no way that we could chat around, enjoying the snacks! We went to the back of the screen, rehearsing. Suddenly I couldn't breath! I felt this urge to do what I had always done in my younger days (yeah right, I'm old..) before singing with the choir. Slowly, I walked to the back of the room, tried to find some space to do.....vocalizing!!!! Haahahahaha....I was going to do presentation, and I felt like it's a show!!! What a 'bantam' I was!!! :)) -- anyway, I couldn't do that, Person No. 1 called me, and (again, I was surrounded by nice people) took me to the stage, let me familiarizing with the tools, mike, the stage. He even arranged some introduction scenario!!! What a great guy.
- everyone came into the room. Person No. 1 introduced us, and let the show began....Alhamdulillah.... To cut the long story short, it went well.....
- To Gambir, using taxi with the other 4....
- let's go to jogja!!!! Enjoy the bumpy ride :))

*to be continued*

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